How lucky am I to be where I am today? I can't comprehend how many amazing experiences I've had in the past 6 months. Of course they aren't all due to being diabetic but I can't be sure of that. Could diabetes have brought me luck?
Most people wouldn't considering being diagnosed with anything a sign of luck. In fact when I was first diagnosed I was determined that I was on a path of horrible fortune. I broke a mirror last year at work and since then I could have named you three different occasions when luck failed me. However after being diagnosed it seems that some things may have flipped around for me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but I am no where near the end.
I definitely know that I do have bad days. I have days where I rather sleep until tomorrow and days where I feel like I can't do anything right. I know that having amazing friends, family and an outstanding boyfriend I am bound to get through those days. Clinton and I call them, 'happy checks,' a simple call to make sure that we're happy. It's reassuring to know that despite days where everything is going wrong, you have one person that is going to make you feel better.
But seriously, how lucky am I? I have conquered a five kilometre run, shook hands with not only George Canyon but Keith Urban, received an unbelievable amount of support and responds to my blog and met many different beautiful people living with diabetes. I've learned how to be independent by attending college away from home, felt happiness and love that is true and honest. I have given over $2000 to finding a cure as well as raised awareness about this serious disease. I have created a team that has outstanding support and love not to mention bonded family members and friends in a way no other event could. I have been nominated for an honorable award, felt strength and courage to chase my dream. My name has not came up once but twice in the local newspaper and I couldn't have been more proud of myself. How lucky am I?
As I look at the world around me, simple things seem beautiful. Opportunities seem possible. My life feels like it's on the right track. I know that there will be horrible days but there will always be a happy check to follow. My heart is with my disease, I have the strength to fight any battle. How lucky can I be?
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