Monday, May 21, 2012


Me at the Toronto Zoo today!
I feel bad for not doing the last topic of the challenge, but since it is the long weekend - time went by quickly and before I knew it, I was lying in bed thinking, it's now Monday and I forgot to do the last topic.   So, to be fair, I will do this last topic even though the challenge is over with!  The last topic is my diabetes hero.

I think that is a tough question because as much as I want to have a diabetes hero, I don't really have a particular diabetic hero; however, I have A LOT of diabetics that I admire and look up too. So this post isn't about one particular person, but a bunch that have taught me a lot about diabetes and living life with diabetes in the past three years.

I think from time to time, had I not been diagnosed with diabetes, I would have never known some of these amazing people that have come into my life.  Truly amazing people.    Not only are these women and men living life with diabetes 24/7 - but they have accomplished many wonderful things that give inspiration to everyone living with diabetes and even those living without diabetes.  Everyone living with diabetes and maintaining a healthy, happy life is a hero of mine.  I am inspired by those diabetics who become inspirations in the community, as well as in their own homes.


1 comment:

  1. Found your blog surfing for another site. I just thought I would let you know that you are doing a great job. I have a few healthy, happy friends living with diabetes. God bless you Kayla
