There are only a couple days before Team KK walks for a cure! I can hardly wait to reunite with the fellow walkers and also meet a bunch of new walkers from Michelle's family. I know that it is a very special day for them much like it is special for me. They are all familiar with type 1 diabetes because of Michelle's Mémère who past away last year on the same day as the Walk to Cure diabetes.
Sunday is not all about the money that each of us collected for JDRF it's way more than that. I think that with so many Charity's out there the message can be blurred. A lot of people flee when it comes time to ask for donations and I totally understand that. If you don't have a connection to a disease or cause then why would you want to give away your hardworking money.
Sunday will mean a little something different to everyone that is walking. Some are living with type 1 while others live with people that have type 1. It may be in memory of a friend or love one or just a time to recognize someone you know that is living with type 1.
To me the Walk to Cure diabetes is a celebration of what I have been through and where I am going. I am a walking pin cushion that is proof that anything is possible. I say it all the time and I know that at least half of my friends think I am crazy, but diabetes has brought so much positivity in my life.
I will be walking with people that have supported me 24/7. People that I know have my back and will never let me down. Unfortunately a few friends including Clinton cannot make the walk, but I know that they are incredible in every way.
I know that collecting money seems like the big thing, but behind those pledge sheets and dollar signs are people that are touched by the cause or disease and just want to share their story.
So just let me know what your cause or charity means to you!
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