Nothing is impossible with diabetes. There are no limits with diabetes only possibilities and that is why I was able to accomplish a give-it-a-tri triathlon yesterday. I was very nervous to start, but with awesome support there was just no way that I was going to back down.
Before the race started my sugar was 9.5 (I had just ate breakfast about an hour and a half previous to that) and once the race was done I was at a 9.4! I had a couple DEX 4 tabs along the way just in case, but overall I was happy with how my sugars cooperated!
We started off with swimming and that was probably the hardest part out of the whole race. I didn't bring goggles and I wear contacts, so I found that back stroke worked the best for me. I did the 400m swim in 16 minutes. Once I finished the swimming I had to run to get my bike, it was time for the 10k bike ride and after that was the 2.5k run.
In the end I finished the entire triathlon in 1 hour and 16 minutes. I was proud of myself for finishing it. All I wanted to do was make sure that I made it to the very end and to say I did it! The whole time I kept telling myself that I knew I could do it and to just keep going. I never did stop (well only once when my chain fell off on my bike and a lady had to help me) other than that I just kept going!
Once it was over it felt really good to know that I had not only accomplished this triathlon, but that I proved that having type 1 diabetes is not a limitation. If you set your mind to it - it's possible.
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