Sunday, September 26, 2010

Second Family

Leave it to me to move 100 kilometres from home and find a second family. For most people that second family comes from friends they met in their classes, while my second family involves three little boys and two awesome parents.

I am so incredibly lucky to know that whether I am in Brantford or London I have a place to call home. Yes of course I have my townhouse located in the 'ghetto' of London (Okay, so it's not THAT bad) but I have a home here that I know I can go to at any time and feel as if I never left Brantford.

The Maheu Family has been my home away from home. After having Shannon has a prof, our similar interests in Keith Urban automatically made us friends and since then I couldn't be more happier that I took Human Relations!

Moving away from home is a big deal and especially moving away with diabetes - last year I had only had diabetes for 6 months before having to figure it out all on my own. I was in a new environment and it was up to me how I was going to manage my diabetes - my life.

Knowing that I have the support from the Maheu's in London has made it a lot easier and refreshing for me. I know that if I ever need anything that they are only 10 minutes away. They have been more than wonderful to me and I will always be thankful for their help and kindness.

Let's hope there is an Australian version of the Maheu's for next school year!


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