Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we went to Clinton's family Christmas in Burlington! It was a lot of fun and thankfully everyone there was aware of my diabetes. Clinton's Nana Moe is awesome at making sure that I am okay.

Her husband, (Clinton's Papa) was a type two diabetic and that is where she learned the ins and outs of diabetes. I can remember sitting with her at Hockey, previous to being diagnosed, and she was telling me how her husband hated having diabetes. So when she found out that I was diabetic she was really upset about it all.

It was a little tricky to manage diabetes there because rather than supper we had hot appetizers, but before the hot ones there were cold ones, and before that there was chocolate. It was a little hard to think about how much insulin to give myself and when to do so.

I ate a small amount of cold appetizers than before piling up the hot appetizers I tested (12) and then took insulin, 6 units. Just to be sure.

I was correct and when it came time to checking my sugar later on, it was normal!

A successful Christmas Eve it was!

Merry Christmas


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