Monday, March 4, 2013

Keep Calm

I pictured my life as a know when they say, 'you've put too much on your plate' that same feeling when you can't imagine taking another bite, but you're being force fed the rest.  Well that was how I saw my life last night as I counted the number of things that needed to be done.  As I felt my chest tighten up, shortness of breath take over - I started to worry about how I was going to get things done.
I didn't know what was happening never feeling so overwhelmed before. Vince told me to check my blood sugar and it was fine - diabetes was just not getting involved in all of this. After going for a quick (because it was freezing outside) walk and Vince put some feel-good music on.  I started to calm myself down.  We laughed as he held my hands and said, ' Kayla, all you need to do is climb a mountain, write a book and graduate...' 

Thankfully my diabetes isn't causing me much grief these days. My lifestyle switch to eating healthy and going to the gym or for a walk every day is really putting my diabetes at ease - of course there are still those odd numbers; however, I know that I am giving it my all.  I know that I can achieve it all, and I can get it all done.

I just need to keep calm in the process of it all.


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