Thursday, December 6, 2012

Social Support

There is something about knowing that you're not the only one.  That feeling where you are glad there is someone else that is counting carbs, taking insulin and checking their blood sugars.   That is how I feel when I am gathered around other diabetics, the feeling that I am not the only one dealing with this. It can be hard when you are the only one in the household, classroom or workplace that lives with diabetes because a lot of people just don't understand what it's like.

Tonight I had 18 type 1 diabetics gather for a Christmas party at my apartment.  It was such a great turn out and it's always great to see everyone getting to know one another and having a good time in the process.  I was happy to see people come that truly did not know anyone (except for me) coming into this, but showed up anyways.  As pumps beeped and diabetes talk hummed in the air, I realized how just one thing can really change a person's life.

Diabetes wasn't something any of us asked for, yet look at what it has given us.  While to our endocrinologists we may just be a number - we all know that we are much more than a number and that diabetes is just as much about healing with social support as it is as treating with insulin.   Diabetes can be a taunting disease and especially this time of the year when finger foods are always readily available for devouring.  Diabetes can bring people together, and I feel like this has been proven over and over again.

A lot of support can go along way in the diabetes community and I only hope that the group in London grows and grows and more and more people are able to feel like they are not alone in the disease.



  1. Kudos to you Kayla for creating a community of Diabetics to support each other - within London, and internationally through the internet. While I don't have diabetes, I can appreciate the importance and necessity of social support. You're doing great things. E

  2. were you in DKA when you were dx'd ?

  3. I love what you are doing Kayla. I have a 19 year old daughter named Kayla, coincidently, who is struggling with her type 1 diabetes. there is a lack of support in our community for this age group and I have been seeking whatever sources I can. I have emailed her your blog in hopes that she will find the support she desperately needs.
    Thanks for all you are doing, it's so great!

  4. Thank you! I hope to hear from Kayla too!
