The pizzas we made last night - yes I remembered to bolus! |
Yesterday for a bit, I was able to truly feel non-diabetic. I don't know why but I knew that my pump was full, battery was full and that I was running great blood sugars all day. I had went to the gym in the morning and since I had only two eggs for breakfast, I took my pump off and let my body naturally lower my blood sugar knowing that I hadn't ate many carbs at all. Coming home I put my pump back on and checked every now and then but since I was feeling great I wasn't worrying or thinking about my diabetes.
I spent the afternoon at Vince's and since there isn't much of an internet connection out there, I left my phone in my bag and decided to ignore it. I wasn't reminded of my diabetes nor anyone else's and I truly enjoyed my time feeling. I get that I still had my insulin pump on and I did have to check before dinner, but I just let diabetes slip my mind for a part of the day and it felt great.
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