Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do Diabetes

There are days that checking my blood sugar is the last thing on my mind. With textbooks piling on my desk, meetings to be go to at school and my planner flooding with ink markings of tests, exams, essay due dates and travel times, I feel as though sometimes diabetes has been set aside. Not that I am not giving insulin, but that I am unsure of good times to check, with a schedule so unique each and every day is can be hard to set aside the time to 'do diabetes.'

I didn't ask for the position in life as a diabetic. I lived almost 19 years diabetes-free and didn't have to worry about blood sugars or insulin dosages and most definitely I did not worry about midnight low blood sugars or fear the moment I realized I have without food nor money when I am out.  I had problems, dilemmas, tribulations before I had diabetes, but the 'life threatening' problems, dilemmas, tribulations were not present.

It can be incredibly stressful managing diabetes as a young adult. I realize it also can be frustrating for other ages as well, but I am just going to speak on my personal experience of living with type 1 as a young adult.  This is the time in your life where everyone is asking you, 'So what are you going to do with your life?' and the answer is either, 'I was thinking...' or 'I have no idea.'  We are under a lot of pressure at this age because we aren't sure if we are supposed to be doing or masters degree or getting married, having children or travelling? There are so many options at this age for most of us that were are putting pressure on ourselves let alone the pressure from society.    Now, add diabetes to this mixture.

A lot of us not only are worrying about 'what's next?' but how can I do all of this with diabetes. We get that it is totally possible, I know type 1's that have masters degrees, I know type 1's that  have children, are married and have travelled.  But, what is going to work for us, is up for us to find out.  Like I mentioned it can be really hard to 'do diabetes' to not only remember, because we can admit we do remember diabetes, but actually doing diabetes is what matters. You can think about checking your blood sugar, but not actually checking your blood sugar gets you zero points in diabetes world. Thinking isn't going to avoid complications, nor make you successful in diabetes management, it is doing that will get you there.

I don't have the answers as to how to really manage it all. I think it is different for everyone, and as I continue my life with diabetes, I hope that I find ways to avoid too many roadblocks, but there really is no way of telling.  I realize that some days I don't feel like managing my diabetes, and other things take priority, but I do recognize that some days I am awesome with my diabetes, checking at all the right times and correctly treating lows or highs.  

I feel that as long as I take it day by day and accept that I have type 1 diabetes, it is a lot of work, a  lot of hard work...but I am doing O.K, then anything is possible for me.



  1. Kayla, I have had diabetes since age 7 in 1989. I went through most of elementary, and all of middle, high school and 2 different colleges with diabetes until I entered the working world. I want to tell you, there is time for everything. It seems like time is speeding by right now because all you have are deadlines and all you have to look forward to are holidays, but when you stop having to worry about homework, studying and all the craziness going on, you have time to live life! (Unless you plan to have a crazy, hectic job that involves all that on a daily basis, in which case--good luck!). It took me to age 32 to get things under control. And I've been married for 5 years and only recently decided that I want to have kids. I must say though, don't stress too much about when you check your glucose. Every time I did a 2-hour post breakfast check in highschool I would be on the higher side, take some insulin to compensate and then I'd be chasing lows for the rest of the day. If I didn't check, there was nothing to stress about! By the way, CGMs really help with that and if you can I highly recommend getting one! And with a pump you can just bolus every time you want to eat and it will compensate for residual insulin and correct highs.
    And anyway, from what I read on your blog: You're doing great!

    1. Thank you Maggie!

      I have used the CGM before (I used it the entire time on Kilimanjaro) and I also, have an insulin pump which does make things easier! It is nice to hear your successes! Thank you for writing and I wish you all the best of luck with starting your family!

