I wrote earlier about Low Blues and now here comes the post about the High Blues, which are equally as defeating, if not greater. You see, for the most part when you're low, or constantly going low the solution is a bit easier, eat more sugar. Most often eating will bring your blood sugars up in no time (at least for me) the repetition of low after low is what gets super irritating because believe it not, eating yummy snacks constantly for lows isn't as lavish as it sounds.
Now, then there are high blood sugars that charge into us like a raging bull, a freight train or your worst nightmare. When I get the alert my blood sugar is high and I see two arrows up on my pump screen (CGM) and I lose my mind. It's like trying to catch a rabid animal (you get the point that highs suck!) Often times as long as I have a sensor on, I can sometimes detour it with a correction bolus, but other times when I am not alarmed (no CGM) it sort of just hits me out of nowhere and then I have to spend all my concentration on trying to bring it down.
Bringing down blood sugars seems easy in theory but for me, I'd say 9 out of 10 times, I have to literally tackle it down and it drives me crazy - literally crazy. I spend most of my time looking at my CGM screen hoping that I see trending down arrows, or a drop of any kind. I spend time trying to calculate if I should correct, override my basal, or run laps around the house. I spend a good chunk of time swearing at my pump, wishing that I didn't have to deal with diabetes and ultimately feeling defeated.
Alas the high blues, that feeling where you are pretty sure diabetes is running the show and you are left to deal with the after math. That feeling where you wonder how long this could possibly go? How much time will this take from me? How much brain power do I have left to give to anything else? It feels like defeat.
For the most part I have been trying so hard to keep between the lines of 3.8 mmol/L and 8 mmol/L. Some days are easier than others and those easy days usually mean that I have kept my carb intake super, super low. Anytime I even attempt to 'treat' myself to something carby, I pay the ultimate price of being high for what feels like forever. When you have been within 'range' for days then a high blood sugar hits you, you feel awful.
There are so many times I have felt on the verge of tears, wondering how I am going to keep up with this constant struggle, not knowing why my blood sugars do what they do, and trying to understand what my body wants from me.
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